1. 2008. Elected Fellow, the International Academy of Food Scinece and Technology (IAFoST).
2. 2005. Elected Fellow, American Chemical Society, Division of Agriculture and Food Chemistry.
3. 2006. Professor Stephen S. Chang's Outstanding Achievement in Food Science and Technology Award, Taiwan Association for Food Society of Taiwan.
4. 2003. Merit NSC Research Fellow Award, National Science council, Taiwnan.
5. 2003. Science Achievement Award, Health Food Society of Taiwan.
6. 2001. ISI Citation Classic Award, the ISI Honors Excellence in taiwanese Research.
7. 1990-1992, 1992-1996, Outstanding Reasearch Award, National Science Council, Taiwan.
8. 1996-2002. NSC research fellow, National Science Council, taiwna.
9. 1995. Chung-Sun Science Award, Chung-Sun Science & Literature Foundation, Taiwan.
10. 1992. Science Achiwvement Award, Chinse Agricultural Chemical society.
11. 1990. Food Scinecce and Technology. Achievement Award, Chinese Institute of Food science and Technology.